Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Well I guess I haven't stuck to my word by updating this thing every day. I remember to, but then I don't bother as the internet here is pissing me off most of the time. oh well.

Before Siena we went to a wine tasting at a winery in the Toscana country side. The views here were pretty breathtaking (especially after 4 glasses of Italian wine.) While here, we got a little intro to wine that I did not pay attention to as I was too busy taking pictures of everything and showing off my huuuuge Canon lens, hehe. But afterwards, the owners set up a few tables for us and we sat down and tried a couple wines and some foods. This was one of the first times in a while that I realized how much I hate Americans. The guy just finished bringing out the food all the students just started digging he. He didn't even get a chance to tell us anything about the food. Why do Americans have such bad manners? I hate being American at times, my own people are so damn annoying. The food and wines were very tasty though. It really was just a small sample of meats and cheeses, nothing special, but everything just blended so well.

Well after a few glasses of wine and being quite high off the alcohol, I just started walking around snapping up some pretty damn good pictures. I was expecting some crappy photos when I uploaded them, but almost every photo was a keeper! After everything was said and done, we went back on the bus and headed off to Siena. When we got back on the bus, everyone wanted to start singing but I was tired as hell so I just put on some Alkaline Trio. I woke up about an hour later and pretty much everyone else was finally asleep. Eventually everyone woke up as we just arrived in Siena.

Siena was nice. There were only a few bad things about the place and that really wasn't Siena's fault. Some of the chicks on the trip kept begging me to use my expensive camera. Also, some of the Zeta chicks were just complaining the entire time that they just wanted to go drink (another reason why I hate Siena).

Siena is full of hills unlike Florence. There also were not as many tourist which was nice. There were a few nice places in the city too. In the centre of the city, there is a massive square that they have horse races around every year. Really other than that, there wasn't too much to see in Siena.

We finally hopped on the bus and headed back for Florence. Had a nice dinner with some friends that night and talked about some other students on the trip and how some are just weird and others are cool, the normal gossip shit.

Went home, went to sleep. The next day I didn't really do much of anything either.

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