Friday, June 25, 2010

Rest of the Amalfi weekend....

Positano on Saturday. This was such a fantastic place to see. The city was built on the side of a very steep hill in south Italy along the sea. But everything there was so picturesque. We first got there at 11am at the top of the city and had to hike down what seemed like a thousand stairs (maybe more like 700 but my knees were hurting toward the end... then again, I hate going down stairs. But the hike was worth it. When we got into town, we set up shop on the beach (which had black sand... wtf? I guess the rocks had something to do with that). But we pretty much just relaxed in the sun for the rest of the morning and early afternoon until 1:30pm when a group of us caught a boat to go see another part of the island. 

We jumped in the boat, all 23 of us, and set off to go cliff jumping. When we got to the spot, there was another boat there so we went further down to the green gratto. This was very cool to swim in this gratto. The water was about 75 degrees and absolutely beautiful. Some of us initially jumped in and others hesitated cause the waves were a little choppy. I would guess that the waves were about a foot and a half or even just over two feet. This is not something that a beginner should jump into, just those of us that can actually swim (or at least keep themselves afloat on their own). What did two noobs do? Jumped in the choppy waters, swam for about 30 feet, then panicked, causing everyone to get out of the water as everyone thought they were drowning and wanted to help. This pissed me off cause I just got in the beautiful green gratto. Oh well. When we got back on the boat, we went back to the cliffs. 

When we got there, many people just wanted to jump once so they went big (to the THIRTY-FIVE FOOT cliff). At first, even I was a little nervous, I can't believe that of the 16 of us that jumped, 14 went to the bigger one instead of the ten footer. But when we got to the top, ToniAnn jumped first and landed a little awkwardly, but nothing that bad. Next was Olivia and she pretty much sat down when she hit the water instead of doing a pencil like you are supposed to from that height. Next was Stella, then some other people, then me. Unlike everyone else who stood at the edge syking themselves out, I pretty much just jumped on a whim. I was actually sitting on a rock the entire time, then I just said "F*** it, I'm going" and just walked off the edge and did  a perfect pencil into the water. The only bad part of entire thing was that I ended up touching the bottom of the sea (about 10-12 feet deep) with my toes. I didn't injure myself, just got a little freaked out. It was so much fun, I went back up. 

When I got back up to see Clint, Lindsay (Snooks), and Angelica. Finally we talked Clint into going. Then it was the three of us. I wanted to go last to make sure those two went and didn't walk down the jagged ledges as they would hurt themselves. Finally after about ten minutes, Lindsay jumped. She landed a little awkwardly but did fine. Then it was just me and Angelica. Thankfully Matias came up cause I wanted to jump again. Once again, I just said F* it, and jumped. Then Angelica jumped. She was leaning waaaay to far forward and her chest took most of the impact. Thankfully she was OK. After Matias jumped, we headed back to the beach. For the rest of the day, we just relaxed on the beach and then headed back to the hotel. That night we had a small dinner and went walking in the downtown area of Sorento. 

The next day we saw Pompeii and everything it had to offer. It was so epic to see a city that was built before Christ even was a thought. Just everything that Pompeii had before Vesuvius decided to screw the entire city over was pretty awesome - raise sidewalks for crossing the streets, sliding doorways brothels with pictures above each room stating what you would get in that room, and just so many roads to make it actually a bigger city for that time. After seeing Pompeii, we were going to go to Vesuvius to hike it but mother nature axed that idea with thunderstorms. Thankfully we got back into down earlier Sunday because I would have hated walking around Florence with God knows how much in camera equipment on me. Finally home

I know I added this late, but lets just pretend that I posted this last week. Thank Buddha for a good memory.

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