Friday, June 18, 2010

Weekend in Amalfi

This actually started off on Thursday. I actually made it to Italian class on time for once on Thursday. This was nice because I was late (by like 2-5 minutes) for each class prior, but really the nice part was that I missed the rain that was coming. About 10 minutes into class, we could hear that nasty rain outside and decided to look to see how bad it was (mainly because Matias still wasn't in class). But when we looked outside, there was actually HAIL!!! Pretty exciting for me cause I have only seen hail one other time in my life (in MA when I was in kindergarten (which is a German word) woot woot). But after Italian, in Cinema, we actually watched a really good movie. Probably the only other movie in Italian Cinema that I actually liked.

After getting my quiz back (got a 92! woot), I headed back to the apartment to pack and eventually made it to the train station with the other guys. We ended up jumping on a bus and started driving down to Amalfi. I was lucky enough to sit next to Rosetta (/sarcasm.. she is nice and has a crush on me, but the favor is not returned at all). But basically after 2 hours, we stopped at the single most expensive rest stop I have ever seen. I picked up some gummy bears, ate a sandwich, and also come some cookies. After this we continued for the hotel. When we finally made it there (5 hours later and God knows how long on a curvy road), we made it to the hotel. I guess I am the type of guy that does get car sick, atleast when I don't drive. I think this is Nana's fault cause everytime I would ride with her, I would feel sick (miss ya Nana!). I found out that I was rooming with Mark and Clint - both good guys, then again, all the guys on the trip are tight.

Woke up the Friday morning @ 8:10. We were supposed to meet everyone at 8AM to depart for Capri. We rushed outta the room (by rush, I mean took our sweet time, about 20 mins). We ended up meeting everyone at 9am at the boat and made it to Capri with everyone. We immediately took a tour around the island and went into the Blue Gratto. This was cool but very over priced. The guide into the Blue Gratto asked for a tip but he sucked and got salt water on my lens so we didn't tip him.

Next we went up to the main part of Capri where all the shops are. I was actually left behind by the group as I was trying to get my ticket and no one waited for me. This was bullshit because I would have waited for someone, especially if I knew someone still had to get their ticket (thanks Rob). I eventually caught up with everyone, but I still thought it was kinda dick on their part. We eventually walked down to a beach. This beach was very rocky (thankfully smooth rocks that were about the size of a big toe and not sharp pebbles). We went into the very refreshing 75 degree water. This was AWESOME as I missed cool salt water, haha. But the cool part also was that there were many big rocks in the water that we jumped off of. I must admit, I am by far the most hardcore of them all when it comes to jumping, I definitely have the most jumping skills (woot woot) and was showing off (my amazing farmers tan).

We eventually made it back to the main part of the city where I got a lemon slushy (Capri is known for lemons) and then we headed back to the boat back to Salerno. On the boat, I had to fix someone else's camera as they didn't know what they did (hooray for simply fixes like sliding something). When we made it back to the hotel, I took a nice long awesome shower with shampoo and conditioner from the Rome hotel. We ate spaghetti for dinner and then everyone went out. I decided to stay at the hotel as I hate going out to get drunk.

Anyway, off to bed. More later.


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