Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First half of week 3

Monday: Made an Onion soup, Risotto, and Beans in cooking class. My group made a mean onion soup that I will actually try to make at home. The beans were pretty good. The risotto was alright, nothing to write home about even though that's what I am doing right now. Later that day I went to the top of the Duomo for a spectacular view of Florence. Nothing else really happened Monday night thankfully.

Tuesday I had class alllll day. In Italian we reviewed for the test on Thursday and also she taught us some curse words!!! This made my day. During the film class, I downloaded "Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)" as I am going to write a paper on that film. We also watched Mamma Roma but I missed out on much if it since I was downloading my movie.

Later Tuesday night, we went out to an American pub again. I felt like I was back home (and this is not a good thing). It felt that I was in a college bar in Alabama or at an Old Navy convention. It was pretty sad on how many people were from America. Later, after getting sick of the bar, Jake and I headed to the a bar called Yag. This was a first for me to say the last, a non American bar. Things here were much more relaxed. It was an interesting bar and I couldn't complain at all except it was 5.50 for a beer. The scenery was nice though. We stayed here for an hour then left.

Wednesday: Nothing but studying, procrastination, and blogging.  OH and eating. Jake and I finally went to 4Leoni (Four Lions) for dinner. I had the best meal since I have been here at this place. The prices were not too bad but next time I will spend less and I will not get Filet steak.

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