Sunday, May 30, 2010

Siena and San Gimignano

Well this was quite the weekend.

Started off with a quiet Friday. Basically just slept until noon for the first time this entire trip. Jake and I went out to look for the Diesel store, which is Italian and the prices were actually higher here than the prices in the states. We also saw the Florence Gelato Festival going on - 2 Euro for 3 flavors. I got stracciatella, lemone, and mango. It was pretty good for 2 Euro. The rest of the day was a wash after I took a nap at 8pm till 10pm and then couldn't fall back asleep for the rest of the night.

The next morning, the entire program had to meet up at a piazza about 20 minutes from our apartment on the other side of Florence. I love getting up at 6:45am! We boarded the bus and set off for San Gimignano (Ji(m)-min-nah-noh). After a little nap, we started to explore the little town. This was neat to see because most of the buildings here were easily 800 years old it seemed. There was on town (the tallest in the town) that we could go up for a picturesque for view of the township and the surrounding country side. At the very top, you could stand on the wall (which did not have a safety net around it - I guess the Italians believe strongly in Darwinism.) Many of us were standing on the wall taking pictures and some were even daring enough to dangle their legs off the edge. I thought that I was going to witness a death with some of the daredevils. At one point, Rob was walking across the ledge and Mandy decided she wanted to sit on it. As Rob was walking on the ledge, Mandy was jumping up with her back toward the wall to sit on the ledge. Well with some perfect timing, it almost seemed that she was going to knock Rob off a 200' wall. Well after that almost near catastrophe, I set out to explore the town on my own. I found the place that won best gelato in the world, twice, in the last four years. I must say, it was pretty damn good. Other than that and some pretty spectacular views, there is nothing to see in San Gimignano.

I will update again tomorrow for Siena.

Until then...

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