Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 3 - Walking Tour

Day 3 consisted of a tiresome walking tour..... 4 hrs of walking with a backpack holding 3 lenses, a camera, 3 Nintendo characters and a battery will do a number on you... Yes, I am crying a river just for you, the reader. 

Our tour guide was a very nice woman by the name of Lisa. Lisa was born and raised in West Berlin and is now working for a company walking tour company "Berlin Original Walks." This tour did kill my feet but it was a great tour. 

This is the Protestant Cathedral... Yes, you read that correctly

Two Statues looking off to the sky

10mm can be quite and adventure in a small cubical room. 
This is the National Memorial to the Victims of War and Tyranny. 

Waiting to cross into the former East. 

The Holocaust Memorial

The Wall in Ruins

8 photographers, 1 Subject

The Brandenburg Gate is always busy.

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