Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Final Days Here

Making this one short and sweet.

We saw the following from the TV Tower.

I will update from Day 7 until the final day when I get a chance.. until the, I am off to Salzburg!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 6

Today basically consisted of fixing my computer/photoshop and making some panoramas (as I LOVE panoramas).... And I officially despise smoking.... I am very conjested from the piper in the lobby....

Panoramajama of the Wall

Panorama of UBahn Station

to see the full sized pics.. goto my flickr page @

Day 5

Bike Tour!!! We pretty much just went to see mostly East Berlin. 

Here is our tour guide Blakely. 

Abigail riding her bike during the tour. 

Michelle taking pictures of the Berlin Bear

Drive by shooting!!!

A couple kids trying to climb the wall.


The Bike and The Wall

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 4

After a wonderful nights sleep and waking up at noon, I meet up with a friend from the states (and was also hoping to meet up with a friend of his for ideas, but it didn't work out) we just had some lunch. After some "Incredibile" Pizza, I had trek on back to the hotel for a meeting with a photographer and some Thai dinner.

After dinner, I visited a skateboarding shop to find some local skateparks. Some people from the group also got found a supermarket with water for 0,89Euro and German generic cola for 0,29Euro. 

Later that evening, I went to explore Berlin at night alone (as no one else wanted to be adventurous). I was expecting to goto atleast 4 sites and I only made it to 2. 

The roof of the Sony Center at night

Shooting the Half-Moon

A different type of world clock. 

2 minutes of exposure of the TV tower

Me and Me on the red stairs

Day 3 - Walking Tour

Day 3 consisted of a tiresome walking tour..... 4 hrs of walking with a backpack holding 3 lenses, a camera, 3 Nintendo characters and a battery will do a number on you... Yes, I am crying a river just for you, the reader. 

Our tour guide was a very nice woman by the name of Lisa. Lisa was born and raised in West Berlin and is now working for a company walking tour company "Berlin Original Walks." This tour did kill my feet but it was a great tour. 

This is the Protestant Cathedral... Yes, you read that correctly

Two Statues looking off to the sky

10mm can be quite and adventure in a small cubical room. 
This is the National Memorial to the Victims of War and Tyranny. 

Waiting to cross into the former East. 

The Holocaust Memorial

The Wall in Ruins

8 photographers, 1 Subject

The Brandenburg Gate is always busy.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Soccer, Carnivals, and Breakdancers... OH MY!!

Day Two started off on a somewhat gray note. 

When waking up, one would see the gray skies that took over the city. This was a bitter-sweet present for me. We went to go see a neat photography exhibit. A group of us left for the former downtown of West Berlin. It was cool to see a church that was bombed in WWII. We also saw some breakdancers

Carolyn and I went to a Bundesliga Fussball game. Hertha BSC took on big rivals FC Schalke 04. The game ended in a 0-0 tie, but the atmosphere was INSANE!!! We had to buy scalper tickets because the game was sold out, all 74000+ seats were taken!!

We got back to the hotel only to go right back out to a carnival. It was a pretty cool to take pictures there. I also finally got to use my Yoshi and Luigi! Long exposures are fun by the way. 

Now I am back in the hotel typing up my blog and about to goto sleep!

Finally Here... Day 1


Day 1: After meeting everyone, we pretty much just went out for to see a part of the wall that is still standing. I don't know how people could live like they did... One day you and your neighbors and best friends, the next day you cant see them because they are on the other side a wall you can not climb. It sucks that it happened, but at least it all we have now are the memories of this time in history. 

After that moment in history, we went to a beer garden. I tried some interesting green beer and I can't say I enjoyed it too much due to the extra sour apple taste. This day was also the first day in recent memory that I went to sleep before 10pm.

Picture is of Kevin trying to pose his finger and thumb for Lara. He is trying to make it seem like he is pinching the TV tower that is off in the distance (pictures of that will come later)

.... And Their Off!

Hey Hey, 

Day 0 (take off day) started off a little rough after being delayed at Charlotte for 30 minutes just for the mechanics to say "we can't fix the lavatory, bye!"... Also having a Bright LCD tv and a bitter old man pushing his seat back crowding your 2x3 sitting area also is weeee bit uncomfortable... But I made it thanks to my pals Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi!!

PS.. The picture was taken at the Tampa Airport cubical area for charging your laptops and Against 

Friday, May 8, 2009