Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Touching quickly on three different things and my expectations: The Readers, My Photography, and My Explorations (The overall main trip),

First off - I expect no one to read this other than me. This is more a recollection for me, but if any one else wants to tag along, they are more than welcome to. If I were to take a stab at who else might read this, my guesses would be: my family (immediate and maybe one or two from the extended), two or three very close friends, and I am hoping for at least one stranger (long shot, I know). In the else, I really have no expectations to have anyone following me. Hooray me.

Next Up - My Photography. Since I have the most amazing SLR (Canon 7D) and some nice lenses to go alone with it, I expect about have quite a few stunning photos. I know I will end up on Flickr for some ideas, but hopefully this is be my first real big step away from Flickr (for stealing ideas that is). Depending on the internet situation, I hope I can learn from working with the Lightning this last season, hoping to upload at least two or three photos a day while having many more for 'second edit'. Like last year, I hope that I can make a nice picture book for my coffee table to show off to friends and family. Last year, on a scale of 1-10 (1 being Absinthe-drunk photos, 10 being professional) I thought I would end up around a 5 (which I did). This year, I am aiming high for an 8 overall. Basically this means that I hope that my pictures look more semi-pro and less n00b-amateur.

Finally - The Overall Trip. I expect that my Italian will grow well quite a bit. I expect all A's in my classes. I expect that I will update this at least every other day (once again, depending on internet). I expect perfect weather (60's and 70's, I don't care so much about the precipitation). I expect to actually be able to relax for once during my college career. I expect a great group of students (even if there will be some UF students, :-D ). I expect myself to actually become more of an adult and not sleep till noon each day and piss each day away. I expect to just fall in love with Italy. I expect to send too many freaking postcards and drink too much wine and eat too much cheese and not eat enough pasta.

As for the rest of the trip. Right now, I will see Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden. I hope to see San Marino, Vatican City, and Belgium. VERY long shots are Poland, Greece, Hungary, and Norway. I know I will have an amazing time on the second half because I will be with a great friend and someone who knows where it's at.

I leave exactly 35 hours. It's 2:18AM on May 11 and I need some rest.


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